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Oh Donna Karan prada replica , I think you are understanding the handbag world! We first saw the Donna Karan Pleated North-South Tote back in July, but the picture was not doing the bag justice. But it was Blake Lively who showed me just how lovely the Donna Karan Eldridge looks when worn. So I started to lust after this bag. But it was sold out. And now Net A Porter brings us an exclusive version which has an entirely different look and I adore it. The Donna Karan Eldridge features monochrome pleated crease-print leather. This finish is going to be seen more and more for Spring 2010, giving us a bit of a tie-dye feel but a totally grown up version. The cream and black leather with crease print could look harsh, but it does not. Donna Karan has a way to combine these two opposite colors in a magnificent manner. The gunmetal designer tag is edgy-cool. There are actually two convertible handles which makes this a versatile bag. You can wear it multiple ways; with the strap converting longer for cross-body wear, handheld, or thrown over your shoulder. Ultimately the bag can be worn four different ways. As far as the inside of the handbag goes, there is an internal zipped and pouch pockets. Cream and black leather pleated bag with crease print. This Donna Karan bag has two convertible handles, snap fastenings at top, a gunmetal-tone designer metal tag with multi-chain hoop at handle, seam detail at base, keyhole detail at base corners, snap fastenings at base and sides, internal zipped and pouch pockets, is lined and can be worn in four different ways. A great way to start a week is with a handbag that has my attention just as this Donna Karan bag does. Buy exclusively via Net A Porter for $1 jensarentzen.dk ,495.P.S. Please consider supporting our small, bag-loving team by clicking our links before shopping or checking out at your favorite online retailers like Amazon,Neiman Marcus,Nordstrom,or any of the listed partners on our shop page. We truly appreciate your support!
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